My Vegan Shopping List

By Mauricia - 2/18/2017

This is for those that made it through the other side of Veganuary, those that are interested in veganism or if you want a nosey into the type of foods i eat; I have made a (printable) shopping list to (hopefully) help you with the types of food you could have in your kitchen:

My Top Tips:

  • Buy food as and when you see it. Brands such as Quorn and Linda Mccartney spread their products out between a variety of supermarkets, you cant get it all in the same place. Try Holland and Barrett for V Bites and Frys food.
  • You can live without cheese. However, 'Cheezly' does not taste like cheese; in fact the smell will probably make you gag. Violife is nicer (in my opinion) but does taste fake, like cheese strings. For a 'feta' try Sainsbury's free from.
  • Soya milk / Milk alternatives do not need to be expensive. Own brand, UHT milk is around 50p, and is fortified with vitamins and B12.
  • Nothing HAS to be expensive, but it can be. Veganism isn't expensive, but buying the higher priced products obviously are. Use your common sense here.
  • There is milk powder in many things you wouldn't expect, shop around. e.g. Asda onion rings are ok, other brands are not! (i love onion rings ok)
  • You will learn to love vegetables... i hated vegetables for 16 years, i promise you will learn to love them... and beans.
  • Please do not be disheartened. Whether you are vegan, transitioning or interested; please don't let one dodgy vegan nugget put you off ALL products.. it really is trial and error.


1. This is the most part of what i have in my cupboard and fridge/freezer. Please bare in mind that i am a student, i have one cupboard and one fridge shelf to store my food, therefore this list is not extensive. E.g. flour, cooking spread are luxuries i do not have the space for, but they would be good staples to buy when shopping for yourself.

2. I am a very fussy eater, who used to live off pasta and cheese (for. every. meal); as you can see this is no longer true. I have learned to love many things through experimentation and cooking.

3. You can be healthy or you can be a junk-food vegan. This is my trying-to-be-healthy-and-live-on-a-student-budget shopping list. 

I hope this could be of some help to you, and will give you some ideas on your next shopping trip. These ingredients will form a basis of recipes i hope to post in the coming weeks - any suggestions are welcome!

I urge everyone to transition to this kind and compassionate lifestyle; it IS accessible for you, and all the nutrients you ever need will come form plant based food; there are SO many wonderful alternatives and new foods out there. Veganism changed my life, how i see the world and species around me; at first it was a challenge and now it is not; my eyes are opened. 

More info here:




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